LinuxMint 18: There are no Examples
Hi Guys, there are no examples to choose in qt-creator.
Do you know what to do?
I installed qtbase5-examples qtbase5-doc-html, but this didnt change anything.It would be great if someone could help me :)
Probably the maintainer of the package disabled the plugin. It (the plugin) may sometimes act up, so at least on my Debian it used to be a standard practice (I haven't actually paid any attention recently) for the maintainer to disable it before uploading to the repo.
If you mean this
Its the welcome plugin. Its partly QML and demands good opengl support so
check in Help->About plugins thats its on. -
Thank you for your replies.
All plugins are installed, but theres nothing again, but thats ok, I installed QTCreator via .run from website, and in this QtCreator there are Exaples.
Thank you for your help!