QtCreator 4.2 weired bug
Hi Qt guys (and girls),
I experienced a really weird bug with QtCreator 4.2 (Qt 5.7.1, MSVC 2015 32Bits).
BUG: When I try to generate the missing members of a Q_PROPERTY by pressing Alt+Enter, QtCreator generate the members in really bad manner.
Here a screenshot of the problem. http://imgur.com/a/8ZUjq -
Did you modify any settings in Qt Creator ?
I tested it on macOS but couldn't reproduce that.
Did you have your cursor somewhere specific ?
I think I know what cause this bug. it's the missing public section, when I add the public section to the class everything works as expected.
Maybe this should be corrected in the next qt-creator release, I guess it should add the public section automatically and insert the correct members. -
Can you show a header file that triggers that ?
I have tested by removing the public keyword but it worked as expected and created a public section for the getter and a public slot section for the setter.