A way to avoid boilerplate code for defining QObject properties in C++ (to be accessible from QML)?
QML and Qt Quick
The Qt docs contain this example:
class Message : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString author READ author WRITE setAuthor NOTIFY authorChanged) public: void setAuthor(const QString &a) { if (a != m_author) { m_author = a; emit authorChanged(); } } QString author() const { return m_author; } signals: void authorChanged(); private: QString m_author; };
Is there a way to avoid writing all this boilerplate code just to define a QML-interoperable property? For example, since this code is calling the Q_PROPERTY macro anyway, can't this macro do the dirty work for me and define all the rest automatically?
Note: I've found a nice-looking set of macros here but it's not an official part of Qt, so I'm not sure if it's free of gotchas.