How to print with QPrinter
I've set every thing but the print dose not work , in the first i test it with PdfFormat and it's ok but now i want it to print it with my printer(hp printer )void MainWindow::SetPrinter() { printer = new QPrinter(QPrinter::HighResolution); printer->setPaperSize(QPrinter::A4); printer->setOrientation(QPrinter::Landscape); printer->setPageMargins (15,15,15,15,QPrinter::Millimeter); printer->setFullPage(false); printer->setOutputFileName("output.pdf"); printer->setOutputFormat(QPrinter::NativeFormat); //you can use native format of system usin QPrinter::NativeFormat p_dialog = new QPrintDialog(printer,this); p_dialog->setWindowTitle("Print Document"); }
and the print function (not I've called the first fucntion first )
void MainWindow::PrintCartBill() { if (p_dialog->exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return ; ... QPainter painter(printer); // create a painter which will paint 'on printer'. ... // draw text ,set pen ,set font and few other stuff painter.end(); }
but the nothing goes out with my printer ( hp printer )
I may be wrong but since you are setting the output file name aren't you still printing to a file ?
@SGaist ok thx , I've forget to remove it ( cuz i was testing was is going to print of pdf file with PdfFormat :D )
but it seem that I've problem with my hp print , now the file is send to the print but not print ( it's hold on the pinding window )
i will fix my printer , thx:)