[BUG: QTCOMPONENTS-841] Qt SDK beta Meego 1.2: wrong behavior of the ToolBarLayout properties
Hi to all,
developing a native application for N9 I need to show the toolbar with the Back button (arrow icon) to swipe-back some pages but this should be shown only in the 2nd level pages, not on the main page. I tried to adopt two different strategies:
Setup the toolbar not visible in the PageStackWindow component
@ ToolBarLayout {
id: commonToolsvisible: false ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-back"; onClicked: { pageStack.pop(); } }
Then in all the 2nd level pages I put immediately under the Page main construct
@ ToolBarLayout {
visibile: true
@The other check is the opposite way: ToolBarLayout is declared @visible: true@ in the PageStackWindow and set to false only in the page where it should be hidden.
In both cases the toolbar is always present in the application on both the emulator and the device. What I am not sure is if the process is correct because the documentation is a bit poor.
Thanks to all for any suggestion. Actually, depending on a system component, I suppose that is a bug. Not sure if a software bug or a lack in documentation. Anyway, here there is the bug report link: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCOMPONENTS-841