Unknown module(s) in QT: core gui while using pre compiled build for mingw-64
I have downloaded Qt5.6 pre compiled for mingw-64 , i have create qt.conf file also to change predefined path, when using qmake its giving error as shown. same command i am using
D:\PROGRAMS\mingwtest\mingw_test>qmake -spec D:\QT\Qt-5.6\mkspecs\win32-g++ -o M akefile mingw_test.pro Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: core gui
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Where did you download that version of Qt from ?
I have downloaded it from https://wiki.qt.io/MinGW-64-bit -
I just saw I missed you modified the qt.conf file. What did you put in there and why ?
@SGaist I modified it to change qt hard-coded path, that set at compiled time,
i haven't compiled itbelow are the contents of qt.conf file
PLUGINS=D:/QT/Qt-5.6/plugins -
Yes, i referred same
Including the casing of the keywords ?