Converting a list/array to JSON - performance issue.
I want to pass the PortalSearchItems list to be passed from qml to Cpp. Eventhough, I can get the result, app got just killed, when this code executes. I assume performance issue.
Code Snippet: main.qml
var varidPortalSearchItemsCount = idPortalSearchItems.totalResults; var vartextJson = ""; for (var ii = 0; ii <= varidPortalSearchItemsCount -1 ;ii++) { vartextJson += '{"title":"'+ idPortalSearchItems.results[ii].title +'" ,"owner":"'+ idPortalSearchItems.results[ii].owner +'" ,"url":"'+ idPortalSearchItems.results[ii].url +'" ,"itemId":"'+ idPortalSearchItems.results[ii].itemId +'" }' + ','; } vartextJson = vartextJson.substring(0, vartextJson.length-1) + ']'; vartextJson = '[' + vartextJson; var varJsonString =JSON.parse(vartextJson); objHomeController.eveWriteXML(varJsonString);
Q_INVOKABLE bool eveWriteXML(const QJsonObject &pqvarPortalItemResult);
bool HomeController::eveWriteXML(const QJsonObject &pqvarPortalItemResult) { QVariantMap jsonQVariantMap = pqvarPortalItemResult.toVariantMap(); for(QVariantMap::const_iterator iter = jsonQVariantMap.begin(); iter != jsonQVariantMap.end(); ++iter) { QVariant objQVariant = iter.key(); QVariant objQVariant1 = iter.value(); QString strTitleValue = objQVariant1.toMap().values("title").value(0).toSt ring(); QString strUrlValue = objQVariant1.toMap().values("url").value(0).toStri ng(); QString strOwnerValue = objQVariant1.toMap().values("owner").value(0).toSt ring(); QString strItemIdValue = objQVariant1.toMap().values("itemId").value(0).toS tring(); }
Thanks In advance.
Not sure about the performance issues but the way you are trying to extract JSON values seems to be wrong.iter.value()
is going to return aQVariant
's because
... are all strings.
So it should be replaced as:QVariant v = iter.value(); QString strTitleValue = v.toString(); ...
What does a run through the debugger tell you ?
Not sure about the performance issues but the way you are trying to extract JSON values seems to be wrong.iter.value()
is going to return aQVariant
's because
... are all strings.
So it should be replaced as:QVariant v = iter.value(); QString strTitleValue = v.toString(); ...