Qt Designer doesn't work
I try just to start Qt Designer on Windows 7 x64 + Visual Studio 2015. Designer.exe process appears in task manager, however, no GUI is visible; when I open .ui file in Visual Studio with Qt add-in, Visual Studio hangs. I tried Qt 5.6 and Qt 5.7.
Are there any way to use Qt designer with Visual Studio 2015 x64? -
I have the exact same configuration, Qt-Addin from https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/c89ff880-8509-47a4-a262-e4fa07168408
Does the Designer start when you start it out of VS?
By pure chance I found a hint in the german part of this forum.
There the problem has been solved by setting a environment variable to X:...\Qt\bin(https://forum.qt.io/topic/69278/qt-designer-in-qt-5-7-in-visual-studio-2015-lässt-sich-nicht-öffnen)
I found solution. It is Qt bug. Designer can not start unless Qt5WebEngineWidgets.dll is renamed or removed. The question is how to create designs and applications that depend on Qt5WebEngineWidgets.dll? Qt 5.6 and 5.7 are so buggy that it may be good idea to switch to any other GUI framework; I had so many issues with Qt embedded browser sinse WebKit deprecation.