Capture DoubleClick on QTabBar
First off, I'm a Qt newbie:
I'm trying to capture a double click on a QTabBar to execute a function that will let me change its label.
Looks like my method editTabLabel never gets triggered though, I don't ever see the messageBox to pop up when I double click anywhere on the QTabBar.
My code looks like:int SessionStack::addSession(Session::SessionType type) { int session_id = -1; Session* session = new Session(type, this); connect(session, SIGNAL(titleChanged(int,QString)), this, SIGNAL(titleChanged(int,QString))); connect(session, SIGNAL(terminalManuallyActivated(Terminal*)), this, SLOT(handleManualTerminalActivation(Terminal*))); connect(session, SIGNAL(activityDetected(Terminal*)), m_window, SLOT(handleTerminalActivity(Terminal*))); connect(session, SIGNAL(silenceDetected(Terminal*)), m_window, SLOT(handleTerminalSilence(Terminal*))); connect(session, SIGNAL(destroyed(int)), this, SLOT(cleanup(int))); m_sessions.insert(session->id(), session); QString tab_label = QString("Shell (") + QString::number(session->id(), 16) + ")"; addTab(session->widget(), tr(qPrintable(tab_label))); emit sessionAdded(session->id()); raiseSession(session->id()); session_id = session->id(); connect(this, SIGNAL(&QTabBar::tabBarDoubleClicked(session_id)), this, SLOT(SessionStack::editTabLabel(session_id))); return session->id(); } void SessionStack::editTabLabel(int tabIndex) { QMessageBox *msgBox = new QMessageBox(); msgBox->setText("editTabBarLabel"); msgBox->setWindowModality(Qt::NonModal); msgBox->setInformativeText("in editTabLabel()"); msgBox->setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox->setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); int ret = msgBox->exec(); if (tabIndex < 0) return; // open dialog asking for the new label, // f.i. via QInputDialog::getText // set the new label bakc }
Your connect look odd to me. like old and new syntax.connect(this, SIGNAL(&QTabBar::tabBarDoubleClicked(session_id)),
this, SLOT(SessionStack::editTabLabel(session_id)));
when you use & and :: do not use SIGNAL and SLOT macros.also the use of "this" seems not right.
the syntax is
connect( pointer to object 1, the signal, pointer to object 2, the slot in obj 2 )
so you are sayingconnect(SessionStack, SIGNAL(&QTabBar::tabBarDoubleClicked(session_id)),
SessionStack, SLOT(SessionStack::editTabLabel(session_id)));Is the signal not from TabBar? You say its from SessionStack
also connect returns true or false and it's worth checking out.
Maybe I read your code wrong but tabBarDoubleClicked seems like your signal? so i assume that your subclassed
TabBar will emit it? -
Hi mrjj,
Thank you for your reply. I can follow through with what you say but have troubles to understand, how I get the handle from my tab added with addTab() to use in connect? I understand that this is the element that will emit the tabBarDoubleClicked signal. So how do I refer to it with connect()?
Ron -
it returns the index so you can use that to get tab object.But Its still not clear to me where signal tabBarDoubleClicked comes from?
Did you subclass QTabBar and emit this signal on MousePress?is SessionStack a QTabBar ?
Use this function to get the tab you show me how you define
tabBarDoubleClicked ? -
@mrjj said in Capture DoubleClick on QTabBar:
Use this function to get the tab you show me how you define
tabBarDoubleClicked ?I hadn't defined it at all but noew added it under
signals: void tabBarDoubleClicked(int index);
which still doesn't seem to be right, I now refer to it like:
connect(QTabWidget::widget(tabIndex), SIGNAL(&QTabBar::tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId)),
this, SLOT(SessionStack::editTabLabel(sessionId)));and get this in the shell:
No such signal Splitter::&QTabBar::tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId)
How do I make it link to the correct function/signal? :o
@mrjj said in Capture DoubleClick on QTabBar:
Use this function to get the tab you show me how you define
tabBarDoubleClicked ?I hadn't defined it at all but noew added it under
signals: void tabBarDoubleClicked(int index);
which still doesn't seem to be right, I now refer to it like:
connect(QTabWidget::widget(tabIndex), SIGNAL(&QTabBar::tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId)), this, SLOT(SessionStack::editTabLabel(sessionId)));
and get this in the shell:
No such signal Splitter::&QTabBar::tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId)
How do I get rid of Splitter:: and make it link to the correct function/signal? :o
First of all the signal:
void tabBarDoubleClicked(int index);In which class did you put it?
You seems to say its the Tab. Is this correct? The signal is defined in Tab class ?Also, the syntax seems off. You are mixing syntaxes again.
connect(QTabWidget::widget(tabIndex), SIGNAL(&QTabBar::tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId)),
this, SLOT(SessionStack::editTabLabel(sessionId)));try
QWidget *TheTab= ui->THEQTabWidget->widget(tabIndex);
qDebug() << " con :" connect( TheTab , SIGNAL(tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId) ), this, SLOT(editTabLabel(sessionId) );it should say "con : true "
I now have:QWidget *tabWidget = QTabWidget::widget(tabIndex); connect(tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId)),this, SLOT(SessionStack::editTabLabel(sessionId)));
signals: void tabBarDoubleClicked(int index);
is declared in
class SessionStack : public QTabWidget
but I get this on the shell:
QObject::connect: No such signal Splitter::tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId)
I don't exacltly understand where it gets the reference to Splitter:: from. There is a class that looks like:
class Session; class Splitter: public QSplitter { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Splitter(Qt::Orientation orientation, Session* session, QWidget* parent); ~Splitter(); Session* session(); void recursiveCleanup(); private: Session *m_session; };
but QSplitter has no DoubleClicked signal.
Clean the build folder and run qmake againseems it remembers the bad syntax where you used
&Splitter::tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId) -
Also something else:
you say:
void tabBarDoubleClicked(int index);
is declared in class SessionStack : public QTabWidgetbut when you connect to say its in the tabWidget
QWidget *tabWidget = QTabWidget::widget(tabIndex);
connect(tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId)),this, SLOT(SessionStack::editTabLabel(sessionId)));here u say that tabWidget has the signal. Which seems NOT correct?
and please stop using SessionStack:: with SLOT macro.
Might still work, but NOT correct.-
I deleted all files within build/, re-ran cmake and recompiled but still get:
QObject::connect: No such signal Splitter::tabBarDoubleClicked(sessionId)I have now removed the declaration for tabBarDoubleClicked from class SessionStack - do I need it there? As it should come directly from QTabWidget, should it not?
is wrong. You don't pass a variable to the connect statement, you pass the parameter type. -
Good catch :)it should be
connect(this, SIGNAL(tabBarDoubleClicked(int)),this, SLOT(editTabLabel(int)));- I have now removed the declaration for tabBarDoubleClicked from class SessionStack - do I need it there? As it should come directly from QTabWidget, should it not?
I went and looked at doc for TabBar.
It is indeed the bar that sends the db click.
i thought it was a custom signal. sorry about that.
So it is pretty simple
(inside SessionStack )
qDebug() << "con:" << connect(this, SIGNAL(tabBarDoubleClicked(int)),this, SLOT(editTabLabel(int)));that should do it. Check it says true.