Any nice way to make an easy, good-looking QGraphicsScene/View animated wallpaper?
my Qt project, which consists in playing a card game inside a QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene design, is slowly but surely coming to its end. I would like my scene to have a wallpaper that is better than just
or a fixed QPixmap. Ideally something nice that doesn't cost much performance-wise, but I don't know what to look up. Any input or advice?Thanks a lot!
What kind of animation do you have in mind ?
@SGaist anything really. From something very basic, like what you could find in old GBA games, to something more sophisticated, such as, bubbles going up endlessly (like a video that starts over and over, but since the first frame and the last are the same, it doesn't look like the video has restarted at all). So, I'm interested in basically whatever you can show me or talk about ^^
Well... That kind of moving background isn't really friendly (for my taste). Depending on what your card game is, you should rather take inspiration on for example Hearthstone. It doesn't move much and thus your players can focus on the game rather that getting motion sickness.
The colliding mice example could be a start.