Having issues starting a majority of QT-created apps
@kshegunov said in Having issues starting a majority of QT-created apps:
I have that exact processor (without overclocking though) and I haven't observed anything suspicious about it.
Yeah, same. It's actually worked fine for me for some time. Suddenly, out of the blue and without changing anything, I'm getting errors and crashes all over the place. It's infuriating.
@hskoglund said in Having issues starting a majority of QT-created apps:
Ivy Bridge, then you should have a Turbo Boost setting in your BIOS? Try disable that also.
Sure do, it's actually what I was using to overclock. I had a slight overclock going for some time with the turbo boost numbers. Tested stable and cool for the longest time. That said, I've already reverted it to stock for test. I'll try dropping turbo boost if there's a setting.
Update: Went as far as going with a fixed ratio, turned off speedstep completely, turned off turboboost. No dice.
Any chance of having that since the Windows 10th Anniversary update ?
@SGaist said in Having issues starting a majority of QT-created apps:
Any chance of having that since the Windows 10th Anniversary update ?
I'm with you on that. I'd always suspect software before hardware ... especially the video drivers ... and of course Windows itself ...
Unfortunately, at least some of the issues preceded the Windows 10 Anniversary update. The Vive setup was crashing as early as July 28th, when I got it, and EasyAntiCheat was crashing even before that (I posted about it looking for help on the Steam forums as early as June 4).
I can't pinpoint when Origin started crashing on me, but I suspect it was relatively recently. I can say that the last game I played on it was about seven months ago, so there's a possibility it has been messed up for a while.
I tried rolling back to 362 drivers, from March, for my GPU with no luck. I can try rolling back further, but I can't imagine others with the same GPU/drivers not reporting a similar issue at some point.
I'm honestly not super far from demoting this stupid computer to media center and building another one, although I'm fairly certain my head would explode if the problems persisted after a new Mobo/CPU/GPU.
That said, I'd be ecstatic if we were able to find a fix.
Was going to try that next, @hskoglund , even though they passed memtest, I figure it can't hurt to swap them, change channels, and remove one and then the other, just in case. I'm going to try that in a bit. Might have to head out for a job really quick for the time being, but I really, really appreciate all of the help you people are offering up.
In the same kind of idea, did you try to change the PCI slot in which you put the graphic card ?
@darkaegis maybe this is a good opportunity for you to switch to and learn Ubuntu (there are plenty of Steam games that work) :-))
Haha, I'm somewhat familiar with Ubuntu - I used it years ago in college and I dabble occasionally, but I've got far too many Windows-exclusive Steam games as well as Lightroom and Photoshop (for my job) that demand a Windows PC.
Plus, many of the issues I've got right now revolve around Vive, which I hear has pretty close to zero Linux support.
If anything, I'll probably dual-boot at some point in the near future, but I don't think I'll do it as a solution to my issue. :D
Something just came to me, by the way - Origin recently overhauled their platform - presumably into qt5. That may have been why I didn't have the issue before but am having the issue now. I can't find a way to install the old version of Origin since they use a web installer and it downloads the newest version by default, but I can say that the graphical glitches and crashes I get in the newest installer aren't present in their older versions.
Obviously I can't say it conclusively, but I can say that the problem seems to be restricted to applications made with Qt, regardless of how resource-heavy they are. Although I'm not sure why some Qt apps work with glitches and some crash outright.
BTW, perhaps it's some specific Qt behavior that triggers the glitches. Now I'm thinking about the NX settings, have you tried disabling NX in BIOS?
Edit: you can try it from inside Windows 10, open an elevated CMD window:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff
Yeah, VLC is actually my primary video player, and seems to be one of the Qt apps that doesn't trigger the behavior. I also use KeePass without error very regularly. I wonder if it has something to do with a specific version of Qt.
I disabled XD in bios - no luck. Same results.
And seriously, thanks again for all of the help. Even if we can't nail this down I appreciate it.
Let me know logs or anything might help. I'm willing to do whatever, at this point, to nail this down. A bit of extra info:
The version of qt in the crashing Origin is it points to Qt5core.dll and I can (usually) get moments past logging in before crashing outright.
The version of qt in the crashing EasyAntiCheat is (although, technically, this one may not be related because I'm just getting a failure to start and no actual error in the event log, but it is inexplicably failing to start, so I can only assume that this is part of the issue)
The version of qt in the crashing Stellarium is and it points to qt5core.dll
The version of qt in HTC Vive setup software is and I don't even get a splash screen before starting. It also points to qt5core.dll.
SteamVR uses - and while it does work without crashing outright, there are weird text glitches in the menu, similar to what I see in Origin before it crashes. I'm unable to get to it at the moment, but this guy was having a similar issue and you can see what it looks like here.
It'll often (but not always) look like that in every menu in the app, including settings. In addition, sometimes the background of the settings menu will fail to load and the whole window will be transparent.
Videolan works fine and seems to be using an older version of Qt - Qt4, unless their documentation is outdated. Even so, their latest stable version is still old enough to come before this bug I'm having.
Would this be a proper bug to submit officially to the bug tracker? Considering I'm not encountering it (seemingly) with any non-Qt apps on a very heavily used computer, I can only assume something is happening between the newest versions of Qt and my specific hardware/software setup.
Hi to submit it as a bug, best would be to have a small working, reproducible example.
For example. if you could try download and install Qt on your Windows 10 and build a simple Widgets app (no coding necessary, just select a Widgets app and Build/Run.Then when you try to start that simple Widgets app and it glitches out, we're in business.
Unfortunately, since I think the Qt installer is based on Qt, it never makes it through completely. Sometimes it chokes when it's downloading the packages, sometimes it chokes on the "selection" screen, and sometimes it chokes halfway through installation, but it never makes it through completely without crashing or messing up to the point where I can't go any further. Similar story with the offline installation.
I'll keep trying to install it, but I don't think I'll have any luck.
@darkaegis Oh for sure the installer app is 100% Qt.
But if you another Windows PC around, you could install Qt and build a vanilla Widgets app on that PC, then run windeployqt on the .exe and copy the files over to your main culprit. -
It does look like all of them are using their own copy of the Qt dlls. At least, for every app that I'm having errors, the Qt dlls are either within the application folder, or within a temporary folder created by the application (in the case of the Vive installer).
I also realized something - a lot of the same errors I had on the Linux install, I had with the Windows install before it crashed or just didn't work outright. There's a possibility that my issues do extend to Linux, although it seems as if they were less severe since I was able to get the program running, at least.
Installing it on my media PC right now to test. No errors at all, predictably.