Getting aperture value from QCamera?
For my android app I need the aperture value (C++ or Qml) of the camera (LG G2). Unfortunately I only get -1. I tried the following:
qDebug() << m_camera->state(); -> state QCamera::ActiveState
qDebug() << m_camera->status(); -> status QCamera::StartingStatus
qDebug() << m_camera->lockStatus();- > lockStatus QCamera::Unlocked
qDebug() << m_camera->supportedLocks(); -> supportedLocks QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4)
qDebug() << m_camera->isAvailable(); -> isAvailable true
qDebug() << m_camera->availability(); -> availability 0qDebug() << m_camera->isMetaDataAvailable(); -> false
m_camExp = m_camera->exposure();
qDebug() << m_camExp->property("aperture"); -1qDebug() << m_camExp->isExposureModeSupported(QCameraExposure::ExposureManual); -> false
It seems the camera of the LG G2 does have only one fix aperture and do not allow to switch to manual mode. Thats why I get only -1. But how do I then get the fix aperture value?
Does maybe someone has an idea? What else can I try...