[Moved] Qt Creator saying no valid qt versions found please add a qt version when creating a new project
Finally welcome to Qt world
EDIT: if you are able to install and make it work with out firewall.
[quote author="jhayar02" date="1309880283"]hi guys ..
can you give me sample codes that can randomize the position of the three objects??
thanks in advance ..[/quote]Wow.. should there be a new thread for this?. The original post is about Qt installation.
[quote author="jhayar02" date="1309881021"]im new in qt creator..
i just wanted to have some example to create a games using this software ..
can u help me?[/quote]Do you have Qt SDK installed? if not, go to http://qt.nokia.com/downloads and get Qt SDK 1.1.2 for your platform and install it. And then if you are new to Qt, get to know some basics of Qt and write few sample program.
May be "How can you get Started?" section of http://qt.nokia.com/ is good place to start.
I installed new Kubuntu 11.10 and then QtCreator.
I got subj message when I try to open any project and then can't open it.
I have Auto-detected Qt in PATH /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 in options
/usr/bin$ ls -l | grep qmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2011-10-31 10:48 qmake -> /etc/alternatives/qmake
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3446992 2011-09-30 15:26 qmake-qt4I have this problem on two different PC with fresh Kubuntu 11.10 installation.
There was no such problem on Kubuntu 11.4
Is it a bug in new QtCreator version?
Please help to resolve problem. -
I resolved the problem.
the g++ compiler was not installed, gcc was.
After installing g++ QtCreator start to open projects normally.I think this is the bug in QtCreator.
They should add g++ to dependences or change subj error message to more correctly one.