macro/keyboard shortcut to auto-gen slot/signal for variable
I would like to be able to define a macro in QtCreator that would allow me to create a "mutator slot with signal" automatically in my C++ header file. For example, if the cursor is on a variable such as:
QList<Frob> m_yadda;
it would be nice to auto-generate in the "signals:" section the following:
and in the "public slots:" section the following:
void setYadda(QList<Frob> newYadda) { m_yadda = newYadda; emit yadda(m_yadda); }I find that I cannot look at the Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard and type in the text editing window to generate a macro for this at the same time. This makes it a bit of a challenge. Ideally I'd like to create this macro and save it to a key binding so that it is always available. Are there any macro ninjas who could take a stab at creating this macro or adding it as a default feature to QtCreator? Either that or tell me what I'm missing to be able to generate this. I can do it in emacs, and eclipse has the ability to generate setter/getters as a built-in. I just want it in QtCreator.
can you try this, maybe it not exactly what you want,
#define PROPERTY(type, name)\ Q_PROPERTY(type name READ get_##name WRITE set_##name NOTIFY name##Changed)\ public:\ type name;\ type get_##name() const {return name;}\ void set_##name(type name) { if(this->name != name) {this->name=name; emit name##Changed();}}\ Q_SIGNAL void name##Changed();
Then in class you just need using it
Class Person: public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString, name) }
[edit:koahnig] Code markers
Right clicking on aQString m_testText
member and selecting Refactor > Create Getter and Setter Member Functions does most of what you want. For me (Qt Creator 4.0.3) it generates:QString TestClass::testText() const { return m_testText; } void TestClass::setTestText(const QString & testText) { m_testText = testText; }
As for macros, I don't know if Qt creator supports macros.
@koahnig , sorry, actually, we need define one constructor for this, i define another macro,
#define BEGIN_MODEL(name)\
class name: public QObject\
name(QObject *parent = 0): QObject(parent){}\
virtual ~name(){}#define END_MODEL };
Then declare one model object like
PROPERTY(QString, name)
END_MODELi not move Q_OBJECT to macro BEGIN_MODEL, because it relate to qmake that generate moc_ files and cause error,
this is one way to simple define model,
ps: but using macro is not recommended, because it have some trouble for debug