Qt Application gets freezed due to read huge data from SQLite database periodically
i have issues in showing huge data in QTableView ,data read from sqlite database which is being updated dynamically .. 2k rows in 2s.
i am using QSQLRelationModel
let me describe the scenario in detail.My Qt application has a view i.e QTableView , each row has following structure:
QPushButton|QLabel | QLabel | QLabel *
i have created it using QItemDelegate
each row isinserted dynamicaly , after sometime gui gets freezed.
could anyone tell me the way to fix the issue.
Thanks in advance.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Do I understand correctly that you are creating one widget per column for the 4 columns ? If so, it means that you are trying to create more than 8000 widgets in 2 seconds which isn't exactly efficient and performance friendly.
What is your exact setup ?
@Sudo007 said:
How to fix the issue?
caching, paging, query optimization, etc. ... but this is a rather generic answer to a generic question.
@Sudo007 said:
I have created a class customDelegate (inherits QItemDelegate) in my Qt applicatrion and i created setEditor() function.But the delegate is not visible in the QTableView , untill i click on the row.
How to fix the issue?How did you implement the paint() in your custom delegate ? As you are adding different widget in each cell, you need to paint a fake widget (QPushButton) using QApplication::style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, &btn,painter); where btn is QStyleOptionButton, then in createEditor() you create an instance of QPushButton.