How to deploy EXE to Windows XP
@mark1215 If I understand the problem correctly you cannot execute windeployqt.exe on Windows XP, right? You can do that on Windows >= 7 and check whether your application is working on Windows XP then. Or do you have to use windeployqt on XP?
It sounds like the application 'windeployqt.exe' is compiled for a version not compatible with XP. There is a decent description of the problem (and a possible solution) here:
If you need to target WinXP with Qt 5.6.0 you should consider building from source on a WinXP machine. You will need a couple of configure options in this case or you will have problems:
configure <whatever options are required> -target xp -no-directwrite
Also, I found that when I tried to run 'configure' with Qt 5.6.0 on a WinXP machine to setup for building the Qt source I got the Not a Valid Application error. I altered the version information in the configure executable from 6.0 to 5.1 (see link for details) and this worked for me.
maybe i can not description the problem, @Rondog has pointed out. i want compile a EXE with Win7+Qt Creator+Qt5.6+MinGW and it can run on WIN XP / WIN 7 / WIN 8 / WIN 10i has solved. the point of problem is not 'windepolyqt.exe', it's ok,
the reason is that there are some source code of 'ffmpeg' in my application. i remove those source code, then the EXE can run on WIN XP.this is my first card on Qt Forum, thanks for your reply @jsulm @Rondog