QPixmap: How to render?
i want to render a qt chart to a pixmap which i want to insert into a qtextdedit.
QPixmap renderedPix; m_chartView->render(&renderedPix, QRectF(), QRect(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio);
QPixmap renderedPix; m_chartView->render(&renderedPix);
Both code examples won't work.
And: How can i insert this rendered Pixmap into QTextEdit?Thank you,
Henrik -
What does not work? How did you check?
To insert image see documentation (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5.7/qtextedit.html):
void TextEdit::insertFromMimeData( const QMimeData *source ) { if (source->hasImage()) { QImage image = qvariant_cast<QImage>(source->imageData()); QTextCursor cursor = this->textCursor(); QTextDocument *document = this->document(); document->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl("image"), image); cursor.insertImage("image"); } }
@HenrikSt. said:
Both code examples won't work.
you need to create the pixmap with a given size. Currently you are creating a null-pixmap.
And: How can i insert this rendered Pixmap into QTextEdit?
QUrl url("mydata://image1"); QTextDocument *document = textEdit->document(); document->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, url, QVariant::fromValue<QPixmap>(pix)); QTextCursor cursor = textEdit->textCursor(); QTextImageFormat imageFormat; imageFormat.setWidth( image.width() ); imageFormat.setHeight( image.height() ); imageFormat.setName( url.toString() ); cursor.insertImage(imageFormat); // or alternatively: QTextDocumentFragment fragment = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml("<img src='mydata://image1'>"); cursor.insertFragment(fragment);
@HenrikSt. Maybe you should resize the QPixmap like in the example in the documentation (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwidget.html#render):
QPixmap pixmap(m_chartView->size()); m_chartView->render(&pixmap);
Thanks for your answer.How can create a pixmap with a given size?
Can you make an example?Thanks :)
class has a constructor that takes aQSize
parameter and therefore allows you to create a pixmap of a given size. That is what @jsulm is doing in the first line of his last code example. Documentation.