Missing qt/mocinclude.tmp file [Qt 5.5.1, Visual Studio 2010]
In the course of our Qt4 to Qt 5.5.1 port, we're having a problem replicating a successful application build from one development machine to another.
On the 2nd machine, no qt/mocinclude.tmp file is being created (in the same directories where all the generated moc_.cpp and ui_.h files go).
This is resulting in the following problem with the MOC compilation of Q_OBJECT class header files:
- moc: Cannot open options file specified with @
- list itemQCommandLineParser: argument list cannot be empty, it should contain at least the executable name
The .vcxproj files contain lines such as the following with a "@./qt/mocinclude.tmp" term:
<Command Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'"> setlocal
if errorlevel 1 goto VCEnd
if errorlevel 1 goto VCEnd
We're using Visual Studio 2010. The first machine (on which Qt 5.5.1 was actually built) is Windows 7. The second machine is Windows 8.1.
We DO have a lot of "includes" (paths). This is from a relevant .pro file:
INCLUDEPATH += \ ../Accounting \ ../AccountingGUI \ ../ClientServer \ ../DbDmi \ ../EngrObjs \ ../GUI \ ../Halibut \ ../Opt \ ../Optimize \ ../OracleConnect \ ../Q3GUI \ ../QtAccounting \ ../QtDmi \ ../QtRpl \ ../QtRun \ ../QtSCT \ ../QtUtils \ ../Rcl \ ../Remote \ ../Rpl \ ../RplExpression \ ../RwDoc \ ../RwOracle \ ../RwQt \ ../Servers \ ../Sim \ ../Units \ ../Utils \ ../VCXX \ C:/RiverWare/tools/RdfToExcel_Qt-551/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/Qwt-612_Qt-551/src \ C:/RiverWare/tools/RepriseLM-12.0 \ C:/RiverWare/tools/CPLEX-125/cplex/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/CPLEX-125/concert/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/Stubs/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/tcl-8.6.4/generic \ C:/RiverWare/tools/gdal-1.9.2/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/netCDF-4.3.2/include \ C:/Riverware/tools/Quazip-0.7.1_Qt-551 \ C:/RiverWare/tools/protobuf-2.6.0/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/icu-55.1/include \ $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]/src/3rdparty/zlib
On the original machine, the generated qt/mocinclude.tmp files have this content:
-IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/mkspecs/win32-msvc2010 -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/QtAccounting -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Accounting -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/AccountingGUI -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/ClientServer -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/DbDmi -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/EngrObjs -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/GUI -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Halibut -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Opt -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Optimize -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/OracleConnect -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Q3GUI -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/QtAccounting -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/QtDmi -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/QtRpl -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/QtRun -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/QtSCT -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/QtUtils -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Rcl -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Remote -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Rpl -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/RplExpression -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/RwDoc -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/RwOracle -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/RwQt -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Servers -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Sim -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Units -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/Utils -IC:/Riverware/staff/philw/WinQt5Port3/VCXX -IC:/RiverWare/tools/RdfToExcel_Qt-551/include -IC:/RiverWare/tools/Qwt-612_Qt-551/src -IC:/RiverWare/tools/RepriseLM-12.0 -IC:/RiverWare/tools/CPLEX-125/cplex/include -IC:/RiverWare/tools/CPLEX-125/concert/include -IC:/RiverWare/tools/Stubs/include -IC:/RiverWare/tools/tcl-8.6.4/generic -IC:/RiverWare/tools/gdal-1.9.2/include -IC:/RiverWare/tools/netCDF-4.3.2/include -IC:/Riverware/tools/Quazip-0.7.1_Qt-551 -IC:/RiverWare/tools/protobuf-2.6.0/include -IC:/RiverWare/tools/icu-55.1/include -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/src/3rdparty/zlib -IC:/RiverWare/tools/flexlm -IC:/RiverWare/tools/Oracle-12c/include -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtwebkit/include -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtwebkit/include/QtWebKitWidgets -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include/QtWebKitWidgets -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtwebkit/include/QtWebKit -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include/QtWebKit -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include/QtPrintSupport -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include/QtWidgets -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include/QtGui -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include/QtNetwork -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include/QtXml -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include/QtConcurrent -IC:/Riverware/tools/Qt-551/qtbase/include/QtCore
Can you share your .pro file ?
Files shown below:
(1) QtAccounting\QtAccountingGenerated.pro
(2) Makefiles\library.pro ... mostly just includes next item
(3) Makefiles\riverwarebase.pro(1) QtAccounting\QtAccountingGenerated.pro ...
# # $Id: QtAccounting/QtAccountingGenerated.pro 2013/09/01 00:51:57 philw $ # include(../Makefiles/library.pro) QT -= qt3support # Specify path for project .pdb (and .idb) file QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += /Fd"./Debug/QtAccountingGenerated.pdb" QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += /Fd"./Release/QtAccountingGenerated.pdb" # This is needed only if there are files in FORMS3 # CONFIG += uic3 HEADERS = \ AccountMgrDlg.hpp \ AccountSelectGroupBox.hpp \ AccountingSysConfigDlg.hpp \ AcctCellColorLegend.hpp \ AcctSubordTreeWidget.hpp \ AcctSubordinationViewerDlg.hpp \ AutoPassThroughAcctDlg.hpp \ DataObjExchBuilderDlg.hpp \ SupplyNameFormatDlg.hpp \ ExchBalanceKeyTreeWidget.hpp \ ExchangeCfgDlg.hpp \ ExchangeMgrDlg.hpp \ InitAccountListSlotsDlg.hpp \ MultiAcctMethAcctListView.hpp \ MultiAcctMethSelConfirmDlg.hpp \ MultiAcctMethSelector.hpp \ ObjAcctSumSaveDlg.hpp \ ObjAcctSumSel.hpp \ OpenAccountDlg.hpp \ RenameAccountsDlg.hpp \ SupplyEditor.hpp \ SupplyMgrDlg.hpp FORMS = \ AccountingSysConfigWidgets.ui \ AccountMgrWidgets.ui \ AutoPassThroughAcctWidgets.ui \ DataObjExchBuilderWidgets.ui \ SupplyNameFormatWidgets.ui \ ExchangeCfgWidgets.ui \ ExchangeMgrWidgets.ui \ InitAccountListSlotsWidgets.ui \ RenameAccountsWidgets.ui \ SupplyEditorWidgets.ui \ SupplyMgrWidgets.ui FORMS3 = \ # Local Variables: *** # mode: makefile *** # End: ***
(2) Makefiles\library.pro ... mostly just includes next item ...
# # $Id: library.pro,v 1.2 2008/04/10 20:48:56 philw Exp $ # include(riverwarebase.pro) TEMPLATE = vclib CONFIG += staticlib # Local Variables: *** # mode: makefile *** # End: ***
(3) Makefiles\riverwarebase.pro ...
# # $Id: Makefiles/riverwarebase.pro 2015/10/27 16:32:10 philw $ # QT += network # QT -= qt3support # REMOVED QT += xml QT += webkit QT += widgets QT += webkitwidgets QT += printsupport QT += concurrent CONFIG += qt debug_and_release exceptions rtti stl # add the following to *Generated.pro with FORMS3 macros: #CONFIG += uic3 QMAKE_UIC3 = Qt483-uic3.pl #QMAKE_MOC = moc.pl DEFINES += IL_STD DEFINES -= UNICODE DEFINES += _WIN32 DEFINES += CW_PRESTOPLOT CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {DEFINES += CWDEBUG} # this symbol is for Tcl, so that the arvs in our Tcl commands do # not have to be const arguments DEFINES += USE_NON_CONST FLEXLM_DIR = C:/RiverWare/tools/flexlm !exists($$FLEXLM_DIR) { DEFINES += NO_FLEXLM } # Inline function expansion QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += /Ob0 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += /Ob1 # Buffer Security Check QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += /GS # Optimize Code QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += /Od QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += /Og QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += /Ot # Eliminate Duplicate Strings QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += /GF # Enable Function-Level Linking QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += /Gy INCLUDEPATH += \ ../Accounting \ ../AccountingGUI \ ../ClientServer \ ../DbDmi \ ../EngrObjs \ ../GUI \ ../Halibut \ ../Opt \ ../Optimize \ ../OracleConnect \ ../Q3GUI \ ../QtAccounting \ ../QtDmi \ ../QtRpl \ ../QtRun \ ../QtSCT \ ../QtUtils \ ../Rcl \ ../Remote \ ../Rpl \ ../RplExpression \ ../RwDoc \ ../RwOracle \ ../RwQt \ ../Servers \ ../Sim \ ../Units \ ../Utils \ ../VCXX \ C:/RiverWare/tools/RdfToExcel_Qt-551/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/Qwt-612_Qt-551/src \ C:/RiverWare/tools/RepriseLM-12.0 \ C:/RiverWare/tools/CPLEX-125/cplex/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/CPLEX-125/concert/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/Stubs/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/tcl-8.6.4/generic \ C:/RiverWare/tools/gdal-1.9.2/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/netCDF-4.3.2/include \ C:/Riverware/tools/Quazip-0.7.1_Qt-551 \ C:/RiverWare/tools/protobuf-2.6.0/include \ C:/RiverWare/tools/icu-55.1/include \ $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]/src/3rdparty/zlib # flexlm isn't available on 64-bit Windows exists($$FLEXLM_DIR) { INCLUDEPATH += C:/RiverWare/tools/flexlm INCLUDEPATH += C:/RiverWare/tools/Oracle-12c/include } UI_DIR = ./qt MOC_DIR = ./qt OBJECTS_DIR = ./$(Configuration)/$(ProjectName) # Local Variables: *** # mode: makefile *** # End: ***
You should also remove the *_DIR variables.
Qt Creator doing shadow build by default, you shouldn't need them.
(I hadn't seen SGaist's post before devising this work-around. See prior message. SGaist -- "also?" -- is something missing there? I'm not seeing any prior suggestions. In any case -- THANKS SO MUCH for taking a look at this for us!)
To solve (or really, work-around) this problem, we modified qtbase\mkspecs\features\moc.prf
We first tried changing the name of the temporary include file mocinclude.tmp to mocinclude.opt (basically a patch that had been applied to Qt 5.6, I believe). That didn't help.
We then commented out the generation and use of that include path file, forcing -I arguments to moc.exe to all be put right on the command line invocation of that program (i.e. regardless of how many of those arguments there were). That worked for us.
# On Windows, put the includes into a .inc file which moc will read, if the project # has too many includes. We do this to overcome a command-line limit on Win < XP WIN_INCLUDETEMP= # [Phil, 6-17-2016, skip the mocinclude file altogether] # win32:count(MOC_INCLUDEPATH, 40, >) { # WIN_INCLUDETEMP = $$MOC_DIR/mocinclude.opt # # WIN_INCLUDETEMP_CONT = # for (inc, MOC_INCLUDEPATH): \ # WIN_INCLUDETEMP_CONT += -I$$inc # write_file($$absolute_path($$WIN_INCLUDETEMP, $$OUT_PWD), WIN_INCLUDETEMP_CONT)|error("Aborting.") # }
You must invoke qmake.exe on all Qt application project files after making this change to qtbase\mkspecs\features\moc.prf.
Notice that the original comment indicates that this mocinclude provision was introduced to address a command-line size limit on Windows versions before "XP". :-) However, Qt Technical Support mentions to me that it would technically be possible to exceed the larger command line size limit of subsequent Windows versions, so it's not technically true that this mocinclude provision would never be needed.
We just couldn't get it to work for us. [Qt 5.5.1, Windows 8.1, Visual Studio 2010 Professional SP1]. The mocinclude.tmp (or .opt) file was absent (when we needed it to exist) when we attempted to build our application in Visual Studio. (See prior notes).
"Also" because there was already stuff commented out like the qt3support module.