QtWebEngine - static
Hello out there
I know that static build the QtWebEngnie is not possible out of the box. i don't know how other companies are distrbution their software, but we would end up in total support mess if we would offer dlls.We have to distribute around 40 modules. Some of them are build once and live nearb forerver. thers don't and are chenged very often. Thus it comes that maybe 10 different Qt versions are needed. How could we cover that?
Or better: does anybody has an idea how get an static QtWebEngine build? Every hint would be useful... otherwise we have to kick Qt, but I don't want to :-(
Before trying and/or ditching Qt, are you aware of the binary compatibility guarantee of Qt ? You can build an application against 5.0 and make it run with 5.6 without a rebuild. It also the same backward unless you are using an API that started e.g. at 5.2, then the older version possible would be that one.
@SGaist said:
Before trying and/or ditching Qt, are you aware of the binary compatibility guarantee of Qt ? You can build an application against 5.0 and make it run with 5.6 without a rebuild. It also the same backward unless you are using an API that started e.g. at 5.2, then the older version possible would be that one.
Yes, but this does not help me out. We are using a lot of 3rdParty libs (boost, libxml, ...) that are all compiled as static lib with static runtime. There seems to be no chance to switch that toolchain. All in all we don't understand, WHY it shall not be possible to compile QtWebEngine in a static way with static runtime (or at least with static runtime).The support arguments with LGPL...
Thus. Mybe there is another way to integrate a WebView even without Qt inside Qt apps?