Issue with QDomDocument::setContent and XML declaration attribute quotes
I'm having an issue when importing an XML document from a string.The XML declaration/preprocessor has two attributes (version, encoding) which are defined within double-quotes.
However, on creating a QDomDocument via the setContent method, the double-quotes are replaced with single-quotes but only for the declaration/preprocessor element, the root element attributes still use double-quotes.QDomDocument::toString() :
packet : "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <pkt uniqueID="fe87d654-dded-44e6-8c6a-70c92ebd4d7d" version="1"> <inner uniqueID="dca0ddd7-2e91-492f-b61c-d4962a003dd9"> <element>value</element> </inner> </pkt>"
QDomDocument::SetContent(...) ... toString() :
getPacket : "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <pkt uniqueID="fe87d654-dded-44e6-8c6a-70c92ebd4d7d" version="1"> <inner uniqueID="dca0ddd7-2e91-492f-b61c-d4962a003dd9"> <element>value</element> </inner> </pkt>"
The data is being used in a transmission protocol where on the receiving end it needs to be verified via a checksum - this verification will fail due to the conversion from double-quotes to single-quotes.
Any ideas on how I can preserve the use of double-quotes across conversion?
See code below used to recreate the issue:
int main( void ) { QDomDocument packet = pDoc.document(); QString stringPacket = packet.toString(); qDebug() << "packet :" << endl << stringPacket; QString errorMessage; int errorLine; int errorColumn; QDomDocument getPacket; if( !(getPacket.setContent( stringPacket, &errorMessage, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) ) { qDebug() << "!! error !!" << endl << "message :" << errorMessage << endl << "errorLine :" << errorLine << endl << "errorColumn :" << errorColumn; } qDebug() << "getPacket :" << endl << getPacket.toString(); }
I think that the most quickly implemented solution would be to use QString's replace function and update the first line appropriately.
Hope it helps.