Qt 5.6.0 cant compile project Windows 10
I have installed Qt 5.6.0 from:
https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/#section-2 version: Qt 5.6.0 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2015, 836 MB)
but i can´t compile basic programe i have installed cigwin 64 and 32 bit and i have also tried mingw i have followed advice from Ani (sixth answer) -
You installed Qt for Visual Studio 2015. Do you have Visual Studio 2015 installed on your computer ?
That errors means you are trying to link to a MinGW32 library which is not a good idea since you are using Visual Studio.
Do you have that library hardcoded in your project ?
@SGaist said:
ou have that library hardcoded in your project ?
I actually dont run Qt libraries from Visual studio i would like to use Qt creator and connect compiler manualy. Is there some easy way to start Qt 64 bit on windows without Vs (can be some older version) THanks for help again
Just install the MinGW package. It provides both Qt and the MinGW compiler (verify the options)
@SGaist said:
MinGW package
I have followed this example but stil not working
Before continuing to next steps make sure u have downloaded latest version of Qt.
Download and install minGW-64-bit from link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/latest/download
Remember The directory to which you install minGW.
Open Qt creator and go to tools -> options -> Build and Run
In Compilers tab Select add -> MinGW ->
Name: MinGW
path: Browse for mingw-w64.bat (you will find this file in the directory in which you have installed MinGW).
ABI: x86 Windows msvc2015 pe 64bitDon't forget to apply your edits.
Go to Kit -> add
Name: GCC
Device Type: Desktop
Device: Local PC (Default for desktop)
Compiler: minGW
Qt Version: select newest versionApply changes and restart qt
While creating new project make sure you use GCC as kit -
There's no need to go grab an external version of MinGW. The Qt installer already provides it.
Because it's the offline installer for MSVC2015.
Either grab the offline installer for MinGW or better yet, use the Online installer. With that one you can choose which version of Qt you want to install and easily upgrade.
Because currently there's no official package of MinGW64 from the Qt Company.
Out of curiosity, do you really need to build in 64bit ?