Calling a C function (that return a pointer to struct) every X seconds
Mobile and Embedded
Hi all,
I cannot find a simple method for call a c function that read a temperature from a sensor and display the the value using a QLCDNumber.The c function look like this :
temperature* readCelsius(void) { int fd; int fault; temperature *tmp = (temperature *) malloc(sizeof(*tmp)); char buf[4]; fd = open("/dev/spidev32766.0", O_RDWR); if (fd<=0) { printf("Device not found\n"); exit(1); } if (read(fd, buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf)) != ARRAY_SIZE(buf)) perror("SPI read Error"); close(fd); fault = buf[1] & FAULT; if(fault) { tmp->scv = buf[3] & SCV; tmp->scg = buf[3] & SCG; tmp->oc = buf[3] & OC; printf("Fault detected: scv: %X, scg: %X, oc: %X\n", tmp->scv, tmp->scg, tmp->oc); } else { tmp->celsius = ( buf[0] << 4 ) + ( buf[1] >> 2 ) / 4.0; printf("Thermocouple temperature: %.2f degrees Celsius\n", tmp->celsius); } tmp->internal_celsius = ( buf[2] << 2) + ( buf[3] >> 4 ) / 4.0; printf("Reference junction temperature: %.2f degrees Celsius\n", tmp->internal_celsius); return tmp; }
From MainWindow i call the function :
temperature *vis = readCelsius(); ui->lcdNumber->display(vis->celsius); free(vis);
Now i want to call readCelsius() every X seconds and update the value on lcdNumber.
How can i do?
Can i use Qtimer?
Thanks a lot.
Giovanni. -
Hi! Yes, you can use QTimer for this:
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" // your c function static int getTempC() { static int temp = 0; return ++temp; } MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::updateTemperature); m_timer.start(1000); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::updateTemperature() { const auto display = QString("%1").arg(getTempC()); ui->lcdNumber->display(display); }