How to build and include stxxl in a Qt project on Windows?
Yes! Desktop QT 5.5.1 MinGW 32bit
You can't mix and match C++ libraries built with different compilers on Windows. Either build stxxl with MinGW or install Qt for the same Visual Studio version you used to build stxxl.
Note that it's not specific to MinGW vs Visual Studio nor Qt. Visual Studio compilers are not compatible one with the other so you have to build everything with the same compiler.
Aww... * sadface * gotta figure out how to build it with mingw then...
Is using MinGW mandatory ? If not and since you already have stxxl built with Visual Studio, why not use it ? You don't have to use the IDE at all.
You mean I can use Visual Studios compiler inside the QT creator?
Because I really don't want to use visual studios IDE if avoidable since IntelliSense is awfully slow! -
That's the whole goal of Qt Creator: use it on all supported platform. Qt Creator is an IDE and will use the compiler matching the Qt you installed (provided you installed said compiler)
Wicked! It worked * big smile * thank you very much!
Now what do I need to pay attention to when releasing the application? -
You're welcome !
To provide all dependencies.
windeployqt will help with setting up a folder structure to distribute your application.
You should create an installer so it will be easier to distribute your application.
Wonderful! At first it threw me a 0xc000007b error but after some cleaning up and recompiling and redeploying it worked like a charm! Thank you again very much! I would have been absolutely lost without your help :D
You're welcome !
Happy coding :)