Debuger problems
General and Desktop
Hi. First forgive me my bad english. :c (Really. Its hard to learn.)
I trying to debug qt console app on Mac el. cap. Debug mode build is selected. Breakpoint is on (*) line. App starts when i press "debug" but its not running. Its look like debugger just freeze. When i press "Stop debug" "kek" file appears in debug folder.
In debug logs i have found ERROR: Lldb stderr: error: cannot delete one or more categories eerror: cannot delete one or more categories
( 124 line)#include <QCoreApplication> #include "graphic.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); * TGAImage image(100,100,TGAImage::RGB); TGAColor red(255,0,0,255); Graphic::line(5,5,50,50,image,red); image.flip_vertically(); image.write_tga_file("kek"); return a.exec(); }
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What version of Qt and Xcode are you using ?
Also, what problem are you getting ? Because currently the only thing that looks Qt in your application is the use of QCoreApplication.