Touch screen
Qt version 4.6.3 embedded
I managed to compile Qt for my i.MX27 platform. I can run the examples on my embedded device, but the touch screen is not yet responding.
I used the -qt-mouse-tslib when configuring Qt embedded.
When I do ts_calibrate, I get :
@xres = 480, yres = 640
selected device is not a touchscreen I understand
@The calibration screen is displayed with a marker in the upper-left corner, but the touch-panel is not responding.
I also tried with the command cat /dev/ts , but it returns cat: read error: Invalid argument. (When I do that command on /dev/input/event0, I can see output on the console whenever I push a button on my device - obviously, this must be the keyboard driver)These are my environment settings :
QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=Tslib:/dev/ts@This is the contents of the /etc/ts.conf file :
@module_raw input
module pthres pmin=1
module variance delta=30
module dejitter delta=100
module linear@/dev/ts exists and is a link to /dev/pmic_adc
What do I miss here to get it working ? Any ideas ?