problem setting up Android SDK through Qt 5.6 Creator
I am venturing to try my first helloworld app in Android.
But I can't get past the first steps.I have installed Qt 5.6.0, Android SDK (and for good measure Android Studio) on Ubuntu 14.04.
I open Qt 5.6 Creator and navigate to Options > Android.
I set paths to Android Sdk and Ndk (which are accepted as valid paths).However ... I see this error message ...
Warning information ! in orange triangle.
Qt versions for 5 architectures are missing
To add the Qt versions, select Options > Build & Run > Qt VersionsBut in Build & Run > Qt Versions I have only one entry
Qt 5.6.0 (qt56) /opt/qt56/bin/qmakeSo what does "Qt versions for 5 architectures" refer to.?
Qt 5.6.0 was installed through PPA, not through Qt downloads, since Qt does not provide a build for 32bit Linux.I believe that I installed Android SDK from and earlier installer. But I have since updated the SDK through Android/Sdk/tools/android.
If I separately launch Android Studio this accepts the same path to Android SDK as set in Qt Creator. And I can navigate to Android Studio > Tools > Android SDK Manager.
The first error I note in Ubuntu Studio is on running app I get ...
Error running app: Unable to obtain debug bridgeBut my first problem to crack is the Qt Creator setup message above. I'll look at ADB later.
Android can be build for several architecture (ARM, ARM64, x86, MIPS, etc.) That's what's it referring to.
From what you wrote, you don't have Qt for Android installed. You can either build it yourself. Or use e.g. the 5.5.1 Linux/Android installer available here
I see that now.
Progress made so far.Downloaded ...
qt-opensource-linux-x86-android-5.5.1from here ...
Since I already have Qt 5.6.0 installed (but without Android support) I looked here ...
but there is no
due to known issue that Linux 32 prebuilt binaries are not in Qt downloads.
I was hoping for an "Android only" pre-built installer to work with installed Qt 5.6.0.
So I proceeded to install Qt 5.5.1 as my second Qt installation.
I ran the downloaded installer .. Qt 5.5.1 Setup
I ticked all Android options under Qt 5.5
installed in /opt/Qt5.5.1 1.27 Gb installation
Watched Android being installed here ...
/opt/Qt5.5.1/5.5/androidThese architectures are installed ...
/opt/Qt5.5.1/5.5/gcc/Now launching Qt Creator > Tools > Options > Android
Android Sdk location is valid
Android Ndk location is validFound 8 toolchains for this Ndk
However .. same warning message as reported earlier ...
Qt versions for 3 architectures are missing.
to add the Qt versions, select Options > Build & Run > Qt VersionsSo I looked at
Build & Run ...
Android for armeabi (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.5.1)
Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.5.1)
Android for x86 (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.5.1)
Desktop Qt 5.5.1 GCC 32 bitQt Versions
Qt 5.5.1 for Android armv7 /opt/Qt5.5.1/5.5/android_armv7/bin/qmake
Qt 5.5.1 for Android armv5 /opt/Qt5.5.1/5.5/android_armv5/bin/qmake
Qt 5.5.1 for Android x86 /opt/Qt5.5.1/5.5/android_x86/bin/qmake
Qt 5.5.1 GCC 32bit /opt/Qt5.5.1/5.5/gcc/bin/qmakeCompilers
GCC (x86 32bit in /usr/bin) GCC
Android GCC (i686-4.8) Android GCC
Android GCC (i686-4.9) Android GCC
Android GCC (mipsel-4.8) Android GCC
Android GCC (mipsel-4.9) Android GCC
Android GCC (arm-4.9) Android GCC
Android GCC (arm-4.8) Android GCC
Android GCC (aarch64-4.9) Android GCC
Android GCC (x86_64-4.9) Android GCCQuestions:
What next to locate these elusive "3 missing architectures"?
And I'm guessing that I can't just copy the Qt 5.5.1 android libraries into Qt 5.6.0?
How can I update Qt 5.6.0 to include Android?
You don't need them, that's just a warning. Unless you plan to develop for a MIPS device, there's really no need to worry about these compilers.
What do you mean by copy into 5.6.0 ? There's nothing to copy, these are two different builds.
You can try the online installer for 32bit Linux. With this one, you can more easily update your setup.
@SGaist said:
You can try the online installer for 32bit Linux. With this one, you can more easily update your setup.
The only online installer I see is here
• Qt Online Installer for Linux 32-bit (31 MB) (info)
and on running this it does not include Qt 5.6.0 in the list of installations .. only 5.5.
So the bottom line is that with my Linux 32 I cannot install Android on Qt 5.6.0 .. unless I build from scratch (which I don't want to do).
Other tutorials I've read also say .. ignore the warning message in Qt Creator.
e.g. ...
I'll press on, ignoring the warnings.
One slight issue. I've found that both versions of Qt Creator now installed seem to share the same ~/.config/QtProject location. So when switching between Qt versions of Qt Creator I see 5.6.0 appearing alongside 5.5.1 in Options.
But I just have to delete the unwanted references for each session.
Should there not be a separate ~/.config/QtProject for each version?.
AFAIK, no.
Unless you uninstalled Qt 5.6 there's nothing wrong there. Older version of Qt Creator can handle Qt 5.6.