Reusing the same QProcess variable in a loop
Is it possible to reuse the same QProcess variable more than once? The reason why I ask is because I would like to unmount several partitions from an external hard drive. Currently, if a USB is connected I am able to unmount it. However, if I have an external hard drive with more than one partition, it only unmounts the first partition it founds.
/* The command to check the USBs disk location is lsblk | grep USBNAME | awk '{print $1 }' * However, because this is a chain command, it is divided into 3 commands */ QProcess command1; //lsblk - all USB's information QProcess command2; //grep USBname - info on specific USB QProcess command3; //awk '{print $1 }' - grab just the USB name QProcess command4; //unmount and detach USBs QString disk; //chain command command1.setStandardOutputProcess(&command2); command2.setStandardOutputProcess(&command3); command3.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); //get the disk names of all USBs connected for(int j = 0; j < _USBlist.size(); j++) { QStringList arg = QStringList()<<_USBlist[j]; QStringList arg1 = QStringList()<<"{print $1 }"; command1.start("lsblk"); command2.start("grep",arg); command3.start("awk", arg1); command3.waitForFinished(); QByteArray output = command3.readAll(); QString outputTemp = QString(output); QString diskName = ""; //get diskname disk = ""; //get disk for(int i=0; i< outputTemp.size(); i++) { if( { disk = disk +; diskName = diskName +; } else if( { diskName = diskName +; } } QStringList arg2 = QStringList()<<"--unmount" << "/dev/" + diskName; command4.start("udisks", arg2); command4.waitForFinished(); arg.clear(); arg1.clear(); arg2.clear(); } QStringList arg3 = QStringList()<<"--detach" << "/dev/" + disk; command4.start("udisks", arg3); command4.waitForFinished(); arg3.clear(); command1.close(); command2.close(); command3.close(); command4.close();
have you checked error(), errorString(), exitCode(), exitStatus() ?
I've run into somewhat similar problem.
In my program process runs fine the first time, but after that it keeps giving me "No such file or directory" and ProcessError::FailedToStart -
@thebeast444 All I get is
"Unknown error"
QProcess::start: Process is already running -
Maybe QEasyShell would make the whole process easier.
I realized that the command was wrong and wasn't recognizing my partitions.