Qt Creator 5.5 and C++ wchar_t type
General and Desktop
Hi, I'm a newbie to Qt.
I have some trouble in showing a Korean character with wchar_t type in Qt Project's console.
My code is simple like this.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); wchar_t letter = L'가'; wcout << letter << endl; return a.exec(); }
The problem is that it shows nothing but a cursor in the console window.
Actually, I found the value resides in memory, only not showing it.By the way, when I go with a English letter, it shows normally.
wchar_t = L"a";
In MSVC, I solved this by using C++ locale.
but in Qt there is no imbue for wcout.
Does Qt even support C++11 fully?
or, do you guys have any other solutions for this? -
Maybe setCodecForLocal would help.
You can use C++11 without any problem even C++14 if your compiler supports it.