Localizing Qt Quick Apps
while evaluating Qt 5.6 for Android / iOS and preparing blogs with recipes for BlackBery Cascades developers HowTo go with Qt 5.6 I run into a problem.
Using Cascades (qt 4.8) and Eclipse Momentics translation is easy:
Open Projectfile (bardescriptor.xml) add languages
and you're done. All the work under the hood: creation of .ts files and generating .qm files was done automagically.
I only had to use QtLinguist, translate the strings, save, go back to Eclipse Momentics, refresh and run on device.Have expected something similar with Qt Creator and learned that there are many (for newcomers confusing - steps of file creation, copy files, running commands from commandline ...:
https://blog.qt.io/blog/2014/03/19/qt-weekly-2-localizing-qt-quick-apps/fortunately I found this article:
https://wiki.qt.io/Automating_generation_of_qm_filesthen looked at the .pro from mentioned sample:
https://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/weather-app?p=qt-labs:weather-app.git;a=blob_plain;f=weatherapp.pro;hb=HEADtried to understand all what happened inside the .pro and thought that I added the important parts to a .pro file from my sample. project.
Here's the .pro - the part below qml.qrc was inserted by meTEMPLATE = app QT += qml quick CONFIG += c++11 SOURCES += main.cpp # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model QML_IMPORT_PATH = # Default rules for deployment. include(deployment.pri) RESOURCES += qml.qrc # var, prepend, append defineReplace(prependAll) { for(a,$$1):result += $$2$${a}$$3 return($$result) } # Supported languages LANGUAGES = de en # Available translations TRANSLATIONS = $$prependAll(LANGUAGES, $$PWD/translations/EkkesSampleApp_, .ts) # Used to embed the qm files in resources TRANSLATIONS_FILES = # run LRELEASE to generate the qm files qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease) for(tsfile, TRANSLATIONS) { qmfile = $$shadowed($$tsfile) qmfile ~= s,\\.ts$,.qm, qmdir = $$dirname(qmfile) !exists($$qmdir) { mkpath($$qmdir)|error("Aborting.") } command = $$LRELEASE -removeidentical $$tsfile -qm $$qmfile system($$command)|error("Failed to run: $$command") TRANSLATIONS_FILES += $$qmfile } # TRANSLATIONS - Create extra targets for convenience wd = $$replace(PWD, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP) # LUPDATE - Make new targets for each and all languages qtPrepareTool(LUPDATE, lupdate) LUPDATE += -locations relative -no-ui-lines TSFILES = $$files($$PWD/translations/QuickForecast_*.ts) $$PWD/translations/EkkesSampleApp_untranslated.ts for(file, TSFILES) { lang = $$replace(file, .*_([^/]*)\\.ts, \\1) v = ts-$${lang}.commands $$v = cd $$wd && $$LUPDATE $$SOURCES $$APP_FILES -ts $$file QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += ts-$$lang }
Getting an error:
12:14:37: Starting: "/usr/bin/make" /daten/_QT/5.6/android_armv7/bin/qmake -spec android-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=qml_debug -o Makefile ../EkkesSampleApp/EkkesSampleApp.pro lrelease error: Cannot open /daten/_qt_work/EkkesSampleApp/translations/EkkesSampleApp_de.ts: No such file or directory Project ERROR: Failed to run: /daten/_QT/5.6/android_armv7/bin/lrelease -removeidentical /daten/_qt_work/EkkesSampleApp/translations/EkkesSampleApp_de.ts -qm /daten/_qt_work/build-EkkesSampleApp-Android_f_r_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_6_0-Debug/translations/EkkesSampleApp_de.qm make: *** [Makefile] Error 3 12:14:37: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2. Error while building/deploying project EkkesSampleApp (kit: Android für armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.6.0)) When executing step "Make"
Am I missing anything ?
Or do I have to add something to the project ?
Tried creating the folder translations inside project outside QtCreator from OSX Finder but didn't help.
Or must folders added another way from inside Qt Creator ? -
Did you call lupdate once before calling lrelease ?
@SGaist I did it exactly as described above.
there's a lupdate at the endI followed the sample from wiki
please can you tell me what exactly I should insert into the .pro and where ?
this kind of stuff is new for me - in cascades it was handled automatically udner the hood
I meant call it by hand the first time to generate the .ts files
@SGaist generation of qm files works if at first lupdate was run manually.
so the part of creation of ts files from
doesn't work as expected