Starting lerning C++ QT
Sorry if this isn't right thread for my topic but I have to ask. Are there any good and free tutorials from which I would learn just basics of programing in C++ QT? I've tried to write some code on my own but that wasn't good idea at all, so I started to look for some tutorials but I found only for QT 4 :( So do you know any good tutorials which I could use to lern something? :)
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Recently a newcomer asked almost the same question so I'd recommend taking a look at this thread to get you started :)
On a side note, it's Qt, QT stands for Apple QuickTime which you might also be trying to learn ;)
Qt like 'cute' :)
In my opinion, it is the cleanest and most elegant C++ framework there is.
It might be hard initially, but it is quite easy to become familiar with it after that because of the consistent architecture - you almost know how to use something as it is very much like what you would expect. :)