getting icon from external applications
hello dear friends
i prepare an uninstaller for windows. i need to get icon of every application beside program name in table widget.
after some googling i write a test code for getting icons but it not worked and my computer not respond to any thing until i kill the process.
this is my test code.void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { QFileInfo fin("C:/Program Files/CCleaner/CCleaner.exe"); QTableWidgetItem *it = new QTableWidgetItem("Hello"); QFileIconProvider qq; QIcon ic = qq.icon(fin); ui->tableWidget->insertRow(0); it->setIcon(ic); ui->tableWidget->setItem(0,0,it); }
please help me what i must to do.
thanks -
I don't think you can use C:/Program Files/CCleaner/CCleaner.exe directly to create QIcon as it is an executable containing an icon but not just an icon. You need to extract the icon from the executable. I don't know how to do that. I know there is at least one open source exe thumb-nailer for Linux, maybe you can find some inspiration there. And I'm quite sure there is some specification/documentation for the Windows binary format (exe format). And finally you could use an hex editor and open a simple exe with embedded icon to see how it is stored there.
maybe this helps. I assume you need a Windows only solution?
The QFileIconProvider class provides file icons for the QDirModel and the QFileSystemModel classes according to the Qt Docs.
If you need only application's icon, following code:
QFileInfo fin("C:/Program Files/CCleaner/CCleaner.exe"); QTableWidgetItem *it = new QTableWidgetItem("Hello"); QFileSystemModel *model = new QFileSystemModel; model->setRootPath(fin.path()); QIcon ic = model->fileIcon(model->index(fin.filePath())); ui->tableWidget->insertRow(0); it->setIcon(ic); ui->tableWidget->setItem(0, 0, it);
QFileInfo fin("C:/Program Files/CCleaner/CCleaner.exe"); QTableWidgetItem *it = new QTableWidgetItem("Hello"); QFileSystemModel *model = new QFileSystemModel; model->setRootPath(fin.path()); QFileIconProvider *qq = model->iconProvider(); QIcon ic = qq->icon(fin); ui->tableWidget->insertRow(0); it->setIcon(ic) ui->tableWidget->setItem(0, 0, it);
Hello My Friends
Thank you @jsulm .
Thank you @raven-worx .
and thank you @Devopia53 for the best and right solution. It work like a charm. It is what i need.