QML canvas crash
Hello all,
My requirement is to draw lines inside a circle on a QML canvas. The lines are drawn using lineTo function. Lines are drawn from 0.1 degree to 360 degrees. There can also be a scenario in which one position can have more than one line ( like a dash line). While drawing the lines we observed that the canvas consumes a big percentage of CPU & memory and eventually the application crashes.
This issue does not happen if we are drawing the lines for every 1 degree.
Has anyone faced similar issue ?
Attaching code for your reference:
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import XMLReader 1.0ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")property var appliedVRIData:[] property double highDepth : 0.0 XMLReader { id : xmlReader onAppliedVRIDataChanged : { appliedVRIData = zoneDetails } Component.onCompleted: { console.log("XML Reader Created") } } Canvas { id: displayMap anchors.centerIn: parent width: 340 height: 280 antialiasing: true visible: true MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { xmlReader.ParseXML("/home/econsys/Applied~20161~02~360080zones.xml") displayMap.requestPaint() } } onPaint: { // Get drawing context var context = getContext("2d"); context.clearRect(0, 0, 340, 280); var x = displayMap.width / 2; var y = displayMap.height / 2; var pieRadius = Math.min.apply(Math, [(height/2),width/2]) //Min([height/2,width/2]) - 5; context.save() // Make canvas all white context.beginPath(); context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); context.fill(); var pieRadius1 = Math.min.apply(Math, [(displayMap.width/2),displayMap.height/2]) // Draw a circle context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = "#000000" context.arc(x, y, pieRadius, 0, 2*Math.PI, false) //x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise context.fill(); context.beginPath(); context.lineWidth = 2; var changes=0; var prevchanges = changes; var noOfZones=1; highDepth = parseFloat(getMaxDepth()) var changeInDepth = parseFloat(appliedVRIData[5]); for(var i = 0, j = 1, k = 2,l = 3,m=4,n=5,o=6; i<appliedVRIData.length; i+=7, j+=7, k+=7, l+=7,m+=7, n+=7, o+=7) { var pixelsPerMeter = pieRadius1/parseFloat(appliedVRIData[n]);//ratio var currentPixelPos = changeInDepth * pixelsPerMeter ; if(appliedVRIData[i] > noOfZones) { noOfZones = parseInt(appliedVRIData[i]); } var x1 = displayMap.width/2; var y1 = displayMap.height/2; context.beginPath(); context.lineWidth = 0.5; var depth = parseFloat(appliedVRIData[k]).toFixed(2); context.strokeStyle = getColor((depth/highDepth)*100) context.fillStyle = getColor((depth/highDepth)*100) context.moveTo(x1, y1); changes = parseFloat(appliedVRIData[n]).toFixed(1) var pos = parseFloat(appliedVRIData[j]).toFixed(1) // var startAngle = (pos - 90.1) * (Math.PI/180 ); // var endangle = (pos - 89.9) * (Math.PI/180 ); //console.log(x1, y1, currentPixelPos, startAngle, endangle,false) //context.arc(x1, y1, currentPixelPos, startAngle, endangle,false);
// if((pos.charAt(pos.length-1)==='0'))
context.lineTo(x1 + (currentPixelPos * Math.cos((((pos - 90 ) ) * Math.PI/180))), y1 + (currentPixelPos * Math.sin((((pos - 90 ) ) * Math.PI/180))));prevchanges += parseFloat(appliedVRIData[m]); if(changes < prevchanges) { changeInDepth = parseFloat(appliedVRIData[n]); prevchanges = 0; } else { changeInDepth = changes-prevchanges; } //changeInDepth = changes-prevchanges; //console.log("Current Pixel Pos::CurrentZone::Depth::Width::TotalZoneLength::NoOfZones", pos, appliedVRIData[i], [k], appliedVRIData[m],appliedVRIData[n], appliedVRIData[o],currentPixelPos, changeInDepth, changes, prevchanges) context.stroke(); context.fill(); } } } function getColor(number) { number = parseInt(number) var colorArray =[100] colorArray[0] ="#000000" colorArray[1] ="#000000" colorArray[2] ="#000000" colorArray[3] ="#000000" colorArray[4] ="#000000" colorArray[5] ="#a00000" colorArray[6] ="#b40000" colorArray[7] ="#c00000" colorArray[8] ="#c60600" colorArray[9] = "#c80d00" colorArray[10] ="#ca1400" colorArray[11] ="#cc1b00" colorArray[12] ="#ce2200" colorArray[13] ="#d02900" colorArray[14] ="#d23000" colorArray[15] ="#d43600" colorArray[16] ="#d63d00" colorArray[17] ="#d84400" colorArray[18] ="#da4b00" colorArray[19] ="#dd5200" colorArray[20] ="#df5900" colorArray[21] = "#e16000" colorArray[22] ="#e36700" colorArray[23] ="#e56e00" colorArray[24] ="#ec7500" colorArray[25] ="#ee7c00" colorArray[26] ="#f08200" colorArray[27] ="#f28900" colorArray[28] ="#f59000" colorArray[29] ="#f79700" colorArray[30] ="#f99e00" colorArray[31] ="#fba500" colorArray[32] ="#fdac00" colorArray[33] ="#ffb300" colorArray[34] ="#f4ba00" colorArray[35] ="#ecc100" colorArray[36] ="#e4c700" colorArray[37] ="#dbe803" colorArray[38] ="#d3e506" colorArray[39] ="#cbe10a" colorArray[40] ="#c3de0d" colorArray[41] ="#bbda11" colorArray[42] ="#b3d714" colorArray[43] ="#abd318" colorArray[44] ="#a3d01b" colorArray[45] ="#0fcc1f" colorArray[46] ="#0ec922" colorArray[47] ="#0e9b2c" colorArray[48] ="#0d9d33" colorArray[49] ="#0c9e39" colorArray[50] ="#0b9f3f" colorArray[51] ="#0ba045" colorArray[52] ="#0aa24b" colorArray[53] ="#09a351" colorArray[54] ="#08a457" colorArray[55] ="#08a55d" colorArray[56] ="#07a763" colorArray[57] ="#06a869" colorArray[58] ="#05a96f" colorArray[59] ="#05aa75" colorArray[60] ="#04ac7b" colorArray[61] ="#03ad81" colorArray[62] ="#02ae87" colorArray[63] ="#02af8d" colorArray[64] ="#01b193" colorArray[65] ="#01b195" colorArray[66] ="#00b29b" colorArray[67] ="#01b4a1" colorArray[68] ="#01b5a7" colorArray[69] ="#01b6ad" colorArray[70] ="#01b1ed" colorArray[71] ="#02a8e5" colorArray[72] ="#029fdd" colorArray[73] ="#0297d5" colorArray[74] ="#028ecd" colorArray[75] ="#0285c5" colorArray[76] ="#037cbd" colorArray[77] ="#0374b4" colorArray[78] ="#036bac" colorArray[79] ="#0362a4" colorArray[80] ="#045a9c" colorArray[81] ="#045194" colorArray[82] ="#044e91" colorArray[83] ="#044b8f" colorArray[84] ="#04488c" colorArray[85] ="#044589" colorArray[86] ="#044287" colorArray[87] ="#043f84" colorArray[88] ="#043c81" colorArray[89] ="#053a7e" colorArray[90] ="#05377c" colorArray[91] ="#053479" colorArray[92] ="#053176" colorArray[93] ="#052e74" colorArray[94] ="#052b71" colorArray[95] ="#05286e" colorArray[96] ="#052269" colorArray[97] ="#051a61" colorArray[98] ="#001159" colorArray[99] ="#000851" colorArray[100] ="#000049" if(number >=0 && number <= 100) { return colorArray[number]; } } function getMaxDepth() { var highestDepth = 0; for(var i = 0, j = 1, k = 2,l = 3,m=4,n=5,o=6; i<appliedVRIData.length; i+=7, j+=7, k+=7, l+=7,m+=7, n+=7, o+=7) { var depth = parseFloat(appliedVRIData[k]).toFixed(2); if(depth > highestDepth) { highestDepth = depth; } } return highestDepth; }
Any help is highly appreciated.
--Narayanan K