Qt5.5 iTunes App rejected for QtWebEngineCore use of non-public APIs
My app use the QtWebEngine to display HTML user interface, and native code to interface with hardware via USB. Thanks to Qt's portability, it works fine on Windows and Mac. However App store rejected the app, stating use of non-public APIs.
The following non-public APIs are included in your application: From framework '/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit': _NSAppendToKillRing _NSDrawCarbonThemeBezel _NSDrawCarbonThemeListBox _NSInitializeKillRing _NSNewKillRingSequence _NSPrependToKillRing _NSSetKillRingToYankedState _NSYankFromKillRing From framework '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/ApplicationServices': CGSSetDenyWindowServerConnections CGSShutdownServerConnections
All these function references comes from my.app\Contents\Frameworks\QtWebEngineCore.framework\Versions\5\QtWebEngineCore
Anyone else had this problem? Any advice/help on how to proceed to get app approved?
No one else tried submitting a QtWebEngine based Mc OSX app to iTunes?
Thank you SGaist!
The reason for using QtWebEngine was to use HTML5/javascript code as GUI which then calls into C++ code to access USB to communicate with hardware. Does QtWebEngine support HTML5 and a c++/javascript bridge similar to QtWebEngine?
QtWebChannel is the way to go for that kind of stuff with QtWebEngine