multimedia and network on android
Hi !
i want to use QCamera and QtcpSocket on android but when i want to build and deploy my project on device get this error :
Warning: Android platform 'android-21' does not exist in SDK.
Cannot find Android tool: F:/software/android-sdk/android-sdk/tools/android.bat
00:06:05: The process "C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\5.4\android_armv7\bin\androiddeployqt.exe" exited with code 13.
Error while building/deploying project QTcpsocket (kit: &roid)
When executing step "Build Android APK"what is the problem ?!
hi,my assumption is you config in qt these tools: java-jdk,apache-ant,sdk android and... true;
this is my experience:
go to tab projects>Add kit>android for armeabi7>Run>android buildsdk you should to android down like 17,18
in your sdk android -21 is not ,you should update sdk for using android-21 -
@stackprogramer tanks ! but i cant find Run in myandroidkit !
also my project run without multimedia and network package correctly :|