QMAKE_POST_LINK from Qt Creator, but with ShadowBuild, is it possible
This work for me to add manifest to app exe.
And this work from script build.QMAKE_POST_LINK = "$$OUT_PWD....\ManifestTool\mt.exe -manifest Resources\MyApp.manifest -outputresource: $$OUT_PWD\MyApp.exe;1"
But from Qt Creator that is not working.
If I turn off Shadow Build, then works fine.Is anyone know why?
edit: (errors)
jom: ....\Output\Debug\Makefile.MyApp.Debug [.\MyApp.exe] Error 31
jom: ....\Output\Debug\Makefile.MyApp[debug] Error 2
jom: ....\Output\Debug\Makefile [sub-MyApp-pro-make_first-ordered] Error 2
15:03:25: The process "C:\Qt\qtcreator-3.5.1\bin\jom.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project MyApp (kit: x86)
When executing step "Make" -
Where is mt. exe located on your hard drive ?
It is located in folder within project folder. That is ok.
I found what is error :|
MyApp.exe.manifest is located on Source\Resources\ path. That path from some reason is not accessible with /Resource/MyApp.exe.manifest when I start build from creator.
I was move MyApp.manifest.exe to project root folder (same place where is .pro file).
And with setup environment script copy that into output_folder (for example /Debug).
Build from creator can find manifest in output folder (without any path, just manifest file name).
Script always copy manifest file to proper output folder (depend on build configuration) and that script must be ran before you can start to dev, so evreything is fine now.Thanks for help.
I hope that this will help someone, one day :)