Access Qt plugin classes from other plugins
Hi, I am loading a few shared object plugins using QPluginLoader from some subdirs:
How do I get my pluginB to use classes from pluginA? I have no problem loading the plugins and calling their interface functions from myPluginLoader.h
In implemB.h, I have included ../pluginA/implemA.h and tried to initialize the implemA class, but I get "symbol lookup error" and "undefined symbol: _ZN6implemAC1ERKd"
I figure this is probably because I am linking pluginA to the base (myInterface/myPluginLoader etc.) but not linking pluginA to pluginB (and thus getting name mangling). I tried to export implemA using Q_DECL_EXPORT as:
class Q_DECL_EXPORT implemA { ... }
class Q_DECL_IMPORT implemB { ... }
as described here: QT Doc Creating Shared Libraries
but that gave me the same problem. Any idea how to resolve this?Thank you!
Hi and welome to devnet,
If you have several plugins using shared code then the most simple thing to do is move all the common code in a shared lib that you will link to all the plugins using them.
That assumption is corrected.
AFAIK, having linking dependencies between two plugins is not a clean design.