KDSoap soapAction can not be empty
I want to try out KDSoap-CodeGen. The Code-Generation works very well, but if I start to call methods via the generated classes , the SOAP-Webservice returns Fault code soap:Server: The given SOAPAction http://webservice/doLogin does not match an operation. Heres an excerpt of the wsdl file:
<operation name="doLogin">
<soap:operation soapAction=" " />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
....It describes, that the http-Header soapAction should be empty, but if I look at the tcp-Streams the header is not empty. How can I achieve the emptiness of that header? The setHeader method of the KDSoapClientInterface did not do the trick. I could hack the wsdl-file, if I change soapAction="#blank#" to soapAction="#noblank#" (I tried that and it works;-) ), but thats not the way, I want achieve it.
Maybe someone could help me!
Thank you
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I'd recommend contacting the KDAB folks about that matter, they are the more knowledgeable about it.
The single-space as a soapAction in the WSDL file is rather strange and looks like a bug in that WSDL file. But I assume you have no control over it ;)
http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_soap:operation and http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/#_Toc478383528 don't have much to say about it, they just say the value of soapAction is a URI, and is mandatory when using HTTP.
Maybe some wrong implementation rejects the empty string, so someone hacked around it by using a single space...http://www.ws-i.org/profiles/basicprofile-1.1-2004-08-24.html#SOAPAction_HTTP_Header says it must be quoted. It also says empty is fine ;)
Anyhow, this is easy to change in the wsdl parser.
Want to try applying this patch to kdwsdl2cpp/wsdl/soapbinding.cpp?
Let me know how it goes.Can you confirm that at least one other implementation of SOAP sends an empty SoapAction header, based on this WSDL file? I wouldn't want to commit this if it creates some incompatibility...
OK, I pushed the fix.