Linguist file *.qm into CMakeList.txt ?
Language Bindings
I have already created a .qm translation binary with the QLinguist. Now, I would like to add that to my Qt5 project, which does not operate on Qt-Project (.pro) files. We use CMakeList.txt files exclusively..
I found some examples in the internet, so my CMakeFile contains:
SET(TRANSLATIONS :/res/translation_german.qm)
QT5_ADD_TRANSLATION(QM ${TRANSLATIONS}) # this does not make any sense? Since I alread yhave *.qm ?
/# ..
appName ${ProgramSources_SRCS} ${TRANSLATIONS} ${programName_ui_H}
/# Are programName_ui_H all headers where a translation shall take place?
/# Are ProgramSources_SRCS all headers where a translation shall take place?