Map and location based application
Dear all
Our project is to develop an C++ based application software that will be able to do the followings:
- Display the street map from map service provider (e.g. open street map) Is the OpenStreetMap plugin working for this or I need to write a map viewer using the API?
- Get a location from the map (e.g. click at a geolocation or give a place name) and calculate a route to the destination point (May use our own routing engine given the start and end location from the map)
- Draw the route line back onto the map (just like the navigation apps we are using nowadays on our smart phone)
Now I am looking into the Qt5.5 Location module. The document says for Maps and Navigation, currently it is not possible to interact with maps data via C++. So should I have to do QML API together with C++ API? Appreciate if any one could give me some advice on whether or not am on the right track using Location module for this project. Thanks.