writing txt file by making query SQLITE database than INSERT query result another column than DELETE it
I create a SQLITE database like below and add my maillists reading txt files,
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "TxtFileDB");
db.setDatabaseName(qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/mails.DB");i seperated tables for countries (Germany, Switzerland, Spain etc.) and show by tablewidget
i want to create a maillist txt it takes random mails from the tables how many mail i write the tablewidget next column
for example
germany 100
spain 50
switzerland 150totally 300 mail.
i made this but i need to delete mail from unsent mail column and add to sent column for all tables
please give me an advice because i just tried take mails from databese randomly and write txt file but i thought i have to make a query for all cycle in while(query.next())
maybe there is a way for take my query result paste sent column than delete from unsent column..
so any idea will be accepted.
void MainWindow::on_createMailListBtn_clicked()
QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QString timestamp = now.toString(QLatin1String("yyyyMMdd-hhmmsszzz"));
QString fileName = QString::fromLatin1("mailList_%1.txt").arg(timestamp);
QFile newMailListFile(fileName);
newMailListFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text);
QTextStream out(&newMailListFile);QStringList tables = db.tables(); QSqlQuery query(db); QString tableName; QString mailingCount; for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { tableName = ui->mailsTable->item(i,0)->text(); mailingCount = ui->mailsTable->item(i,1)->text(); qDebug() << tableName; qDebug() << mailingCount; query.prepare("SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT " + mailingCount ); if(!query.exec()) { qCritical() << query.lastQuery(); qCritical() << query.lastError().databaseText(); qCritical() << query.lastError().driverText(); return; } while(query.next()) { //query.value("mail").toString() out << query.value("mail").toString() << "\n"; } } newMailListFile.close();
You can keep a list of the ids/primary key of the mails you are going to modify and then execute an update query using them.
Hope it helps
if i take all ids for an array than can i use all of than in a query to take from unsent table to sent table once?
for example
QList<int> mailsUpdated;
mailsUpdated.clear();while(query.next()) { out << query.value("mail").toString() << "\n"; mailsUpdated.append(query.value("id").toInt()); }
would you please give me an example for what you think about?
Translate the list in a string of comma separated numbers and use it in the update statement