Input method plugin for Qt5 not working
Hi my friends.
I have a input plugin named "" inside ...../plugins/platforminputcontexts" (Linux) and if i run a Qt5 program it not activate this plugin after a "export QT_IM_MODULE=gcin". This directory is right because if i run a Qt5 program after "export QT_IM_MODULE=vkim" it will activate another input method called "vkim". If vkim-plugin not is in this directory, "vkim" input system also will not work. So this, bring me to the question : why is not working "gcin"-plugin ?
"gcin" main interface is written inside header "gcin-qt5.h", his interface is :#include <QtGui/qpa/qplatforminputcontextplugin_p.h> #include <QtCore/QStringList> #include "qgcinplatforminputcontext.h" class QGcinPlatformInputContextPlugin : public QPlatformInputContextPlugin { Q_OBJECT public: Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.qt-project.Qt.QPlatformInputContextFactoryInterface.5.1" FILE "gcin.json") QStringList keys() const; QGcinPlatformInputContext *create(const QString& system, const QStringList& paramList); };
Somebody undestand about input contexts and can help me ?
Can be some another type of problem ?
Inside code of "keys()" and "create(...)" y write a QMessageBox::information(0,0,"...") but it never write nothing after :export QT_IM_MODULE=gcin ./some_qt5_program
Thanks for any help.
Usingexport QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1
i discover where is a problem. Qt can not found a library which depend on this plugin.
I resolve it partially copying this "*.so" to a same folder as a executable.
Better would be to know, which environment variable need to set in order Qt can found it, or to know where Qt go to search this library.
greatings, Daniel -
is probably what you are looking for -
Hi SGaist.
I will give it a try. May be on .profile file or something else set this environment variable.
For the time, i simple copy this *.so file to installation folder of Qt :
and it works, except for "designer", but i never use it.
Thanks for you idea.
Daniel -
This is interesting, because i have 2 different places in which i install Qt, one in /opt in another in /home/daniel, some programs refere to one library place (/home/daniel/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/lib) and "designer" refere to /opt/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/lib.
I not need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
After copy this one file to /opt/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/lib, "designer" also works.