How to set compiler in Qt Creator
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Which version of Qt did you install on which OS ?
So I'd guess a Visual Studio build. If that's the case, did you install the matching version of Microsoft's Visual Studio ?
Only one way: Microsoft's developers website
@ant888 said:
I have Visual Studio 2013. Does that count?
When you download Qt, you have choices like "Qt 5.5.0 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2013, 650 MB)", "Qt 5.5.0 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2012, 587 MB)", and so on. Your compiler must match the label on the Qt installer.
However, the Qt installer should take care of everything automatically. You don't need to set the compiler yourself.
@ant888 said:
Windows 8.1, Qt version and either 5.4 or 5.5.
Since you are just starting, I recommend having only 1 version of Qt in your system. Uninstall everything, and then install Qt 5.5.0 for VS 2013.