[beginner] Displaying data from a class C++
Hi all,
I'm trying to create a program that displays live data from a Myo armband. I have a class DataCollector that inherits from QObject and myo::DeviceListener which collects information from the band and updates some int variables, I then just want these variables to be displayed by separate LCDNumber components in a class GUItest that inherits from QMainWindow.What is the best way about this to go about this? I think I'm getting confused with the signals and slots.
// This is a snippet of my code:
int value() const { return emgMax; }public slots:
void setMaxValue(int value)
if (value != emgMax){
emgMax = value;
emit valueChanged(value);
void valueChanged(int newValue);private:
int emgMax;// this is the connection
connect(&collector, &DataCollector::valueChanged, ui.lcdMax, SLOT(display(int)));// this is the call within dataCollector
if (emgSum > emgMax)
} -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
// this looks wrong connect(&collector, &DataCollector::valueChanged, ui.lcdMax, SLOT(display(int)));
connect(&collector, &DataCollector::valueChanged, ui.lcdMax, static_cast<void (QLCDNumber::*)(int)>(&QLCDNumber::display));
However are you sure that collector lives long enough ?
Thank you for your response. The compiler likes your connect statement.
But yes, I am now unsure about the collector's life. I have the collector as an uninitialized attribute in the class GUItest then in the constructor I handle the connection.
Where is the program flow after "return a.exec();" is reached? is there away I can just have a loop and update the lcd displays every second? As the data being collected changes in the milliseconds
You can use a QTimer if you want to update at a fixed interval