How to upgrade Qt on Windows?
For previous versions, it is acceptable to install multiple versions under C:\Qt. However, the setup program for current version (as of today 2015/08/17), said "The folder you selected already exists and contains an installation. Choose a different target for installation."
I don't really want to name a separate folder, like Qt2, Qt3, ..., etc.. Should I uninstall previous Qt version and then install the new one? How can I get the same settings from previous version? (like Qt creator editor settings, etc..)
Are you using the online installer ? It should allow you to add/remove Qt versions as you want.
Ya, I was using the on-line installer. It prompted me to select a path to install, with "C:\Qt" shown as the default install path. However, when I clicked "next" it complained that the folder had previous Qt versions, and asked me to use another path. The following snapshot explains it:
Click to see the error window snapshot
Temporarily, I just install to somewhere else, i.e. "C:\Qt5.5"
Why not use the maintenance tool ?