QTextEdit::setAlignment not working.
the following code,
CardLore.setParent(&MainWidget); CardLore.setReadOnly(true); QString text = "foo foofoofoo foofoo foofoofoofoo foofoo foofoofoofoo foo foofoo foofoofoo foo foofoo"; CardLore.setText(text); CardLore.setAlignment(Qt::AlignJustify); CardLore.resize(447, 98); CardLore.move(401, 501);
where CardLore is a QTextEdit object, fails to justify the text and I don't know why. What am I missing? I've googled my problem but couldn't find a thread about it that was either recent or working.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Calling setAlignment will make the next paragraph use the alignment. So you have to do:
CardLore.setAlignment(Qt::AlignJustify); CardLore.append(text);
Hope it helps
Status update:
QPainterObject.drawText(QRect(34, 475, 350, 75), Qt::AlignJustify | Qt::TextWordWrap, someText);
does wrap the text, but seems unabled to justify it as well. So either I'm using Qt::AlignJustify the wrong way, or Qt::AlignJustify doesn't work on Ubuntu.
Are you sure it's not the size of your widget that makes it seems like it's not justified ?
You were using a QTextEdit and now you are using a painter. What is your current code ?