QVertexArrayObject / vao GL_INVALID_OPERATION
I am implementing a 3D software and I encounter a problem with the vao. Here is the error message I get :
QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 1282, "GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. VAO names must be generated with glGenVertexArrays before they can be bound or used.",
I get this message when I try to set up a vao outside of initializeGL, here is the code I use :
shaderProgram->bind(); currentVbo=new QOpenGLBuffer(); currentVbo->create(); currentVbo->bind(); currentVbo->setUsagePattern(QOpenGLBuffer::DynamicDraw); currentVbo->allocate(vertexVRAMArray , sizeof(VerticeVRAM)*nbVerticeInCurrentVbo); currentVao=new QOpenGLVertexArrayObject(); currentVao->create(); currentVao->bind(); shaderProgram->enableAttributeArray("position"); shaderProgram->enableAttributeArray("color"); shaderProgram->enableAttributeArray("normal"); shaderProgram->setAttributeBuffer("position", GL_FLOAT, VerticeVRAM::positionOffset(), VerticeVRAM::PositionTupleSize, VerticeVRAM::stride()); shaderProgram->setAttributeBuffer("color", GL_FLOAT, VerticeVRAM::colorOffset(), VerticeVRAM::colorTupleSize, VerticeVRAM::stride()); shaderProgram->setAttributeBuffer("normal", GL_FLOAT, VerticeVRAM::normalOffset(), VerticeVRAM::normalTupleSize, VerticeVRAM::stride()); currentVao->release(); currentVbo->release(); shaderProgram->release();
If I don't use vao it work perfectly, if I set up the vao during the initialization of the openglwidget, it work perfectly but if I create the vao after initializeGL I get the error message above.
I may have misunderstood the use of vao :
Is it possible to use one vao for multiple vbo ?
What is the requirement when inistializing a vao ?