[SOLVED] QTIFW installer crashes on Mac OSX
Mac OS (10.10.3) Yoxemite for dev and testing
Qt 5.4.2 / QTIFW 2.0.1 (latest downloads for both)Building an offline installer, which is based off the examples/tutorial.
Initially installer would not build complained of not finding lib installer.1.dylib
got that fixed, but the deployed installer crashes on my test Mac and complains for the same lib:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: libinstaller.1.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/USER/Desktop/Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Installer
Reason: image not foundAfter the installer built I really expected it to just work since there has been minimal customization done so far.
Thanks in advance!
While getting the installer to build I employed:
- otool to look at which libs were needed
- install_name_tool -change to update versions of libs used
- and made symbolic links to libs that were in a dir that was not expected...
Could this be another bug on Mac for the QTIFW?
What about using macdeployqt on your Installer.app, it should copy frameworks/libs/fix links for you.
I agree with you. However, I haven't yet tested QtIF enough to determine if this could be considered a bug...