QMake INSTALL not picking up binaries
Hi eveyone,
I bult a library using Qt and now I'm trying to deploy it, belo par of my .pro file:target.path=$$PREFIX/lib headers.path=$$PREFIX/include headers.files = *.h INSTALLS += headers target
while the includes are copied successully, the binaries are never copied when calling make install
coplete .pro file:
TEMPLATE = lib isEmpty(PREFIX) { warning("PREFIX not specified") PREFIX = ../QBbgLib } CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { win32: TARGETNAME=QBbgLibd mac: TARGETNAME=QBbgLib_debug DESTDIRNAME = ../Win32/Debug MOC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles/debug OBJECTS_DIR += debug } CONFIG(release, debug|release) { TARGETNAME = QBbgLib DESTDIRNAME = ../Win32/Release MOC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles/release OBJECTS_DIR += release } TARGET=$$TARGETNAME DESTDIR=$$DESTDIRNAME QT += core DEFINES += QBBG_LIB_BUILD QT_DLL QBBGLIB_LIB INCLUDEPATH += $(BLPPATH)/include \ ./GeneratedFiles \ . \ ./GeneratedFiles/Debug LIBS += -L"$(BLPPATH)/lib" \ -lblpapi3_32 DEPENDPATH += . UI_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles RCC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles include(QBbgLib.pri) target.path=$$PREFIX/lib headers.path=$$PREFIX/include headers.files = *.h INSTALLS += headers target
Im running Qt 5.4.1 on VS2013 compiler on windows
Thanks in advance
It seems that you are not putting your target executable to be part of the installation.
Thanks for your answer
It's actually a dll but I get what you are saying.
I tried addingtarget.files = $$DESTDIRNAME/*.dll target.files += $$DESTDIRNAME/*.lib target.files += $$DESTDIRNAME/*.pdb
where DESTDIRNAME is the same value as DESTDIR but no change