Remote file tranfser
It depends what require. Did you check out the Network examples?
Other than that I am not aware off, but there have been similar requests in the past (e.g. this) So, it looks that you are on a standard track.
There is also a Qssh project set up. However, this is not part of Qt but based on Qt. Unfortunately, it looks that there is no activity for Qt 5 related updates.
As far as I understand the network examples work only between two applications. Instead I just need to copy a file from a Qt5 application to another machine which accept SSH connections.
In the thread you provided they say the Qt framework does NOT provide an SSH implementation so I'm afraid the final answer is: no, you can't use any Qt class to do this.
The major problem using pscp via QProcess is to handle the user interactions about accepting the fingerprint the first time.
@koahnig said:
There is also a Qssh project set up. However, this is not part of Qt but based on Qt. Unfortunately, it looks that there is no activity for Qt 5 related updates.
You are right to assume a No. The only lead would be the project referred to before.