[SOLVED] Combining Qt 5.4.2 and VTK 6.2.0 using CMake 3.2.3
Hello everyone! I'm trying to use Qt 5.4 with the VTK 6.2 libraries. I'm not an expert and I follow every tutorial I've found but some doubts remain.
This is what I've done:-Install Qt 5.4.2
-Download VTK 6.2.0
-Download CMake 3.2.3-Set up the source directory (C:\VTK\VTK-6.2.0\VTK-6.2.0) and the build directory (C:\VTK\VTKbuild) in CMake
-Set up variable environment:
QTDIR = C:\Qt\5.4
Path = C:\CMake\cmake-3.2.3-win32-x86\bin;C:\Qt\5.4\msvc2013_64\bin-Press configure in CMake
-Check the following options in CMake:
VTK_Group_Qt = true
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS = true-Added the following options in CMake:
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH = C:\Qt\5.4\msvc2013_64
QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE = C:/Qt/5.4/msvc2013_64/bin/qmake.exe-Press configure
-Press generate
-Build the file VTK.sln with Visual Studio 2013 in release modeHas anyone tried this method? It's correct? I'm still trying to figure out how to use VTK libraries VTK in a Qt project but for now I just need to know if the procedure is correct. Thank you for your help!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
From a quick look it seems good except for two points:
- AFAIK, your don't need to set QTDIR.
- Don't modify PATH to add Qt in it, doing so means that all other software on your computer that uses Qt dlls would pick these and it's not something you want.